The Brand

The label “Shamim Bhatti” was born out of pure passion and is the lovechild of talent and desire. What started as a channel to express the creative side of Mrs. Bhatti has turned into a full-fledged design house standing at the cross-roads of traditional and contemporary fashion. The journey started by Mrs. Shamim Bhatti has been brought full circle by her daughter Aliya Omar, a gifted designer and entrepreneur who aims to take her mother’s legacy to even greater heights.

Born with an affinity for clothes and a natural flair for the arts, Aliya prides herself on delivering traditional clothes with impeccable designs, depth and quality. Her designs are inspired by everything that is pure and natural and reflect a peaceful harmony of style, elegance and pomp. The colors, hues, dyes and blends all merge seamlessly to create unique yet practical designs which more often than not, belie the painstaking thought process and care behind each individual piece.

Being mindful of the shifting fashion landscape, our clothes are designed with the customer in mind. For the more traditional women, our designs reflect the very essence of our diverse culture and rich heritage. At the same time, the clothes are functional and easy to carry for the more contemporary women who desire a practical approach towards their wardrobe. Wherever your choices may lie on the fashion spectrum, at Shamim Bhatti, you are guaranteed unique and exclusive work inspired by the raw beauty of nature, the breathless blend of fragrances and the wild cacophony of colours.

Welcome to the house of Shamim Bhatti.